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Welcome to the Rabbit Room

Nourishing Christ-centered communities through story,

music, and art.

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The weekly roundup of everything happening at the Rabbit Room.



The Rabbit Room publishes new articles every week. 

Housemoot tickets are coming!

Housemoot is our annual conference resource kit packed with lecture videos, article resources, recipes, songs, and more—everything you need to put together your own Housemoot mini-conference this autumn.

New Membership Options Available!

​Excellence in art and storytelling thrives in a community of support. That’s why we’re introducing new Rabbit Room Membership levels, adding more accessible and deeper ways for you to partner with us in nourishing Christ-centered communities through the beauties of art, creativity, and community. 


Join us in being a special part of what God is doing through this work! We'd love to have you on board. 

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Featured Playlist

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