Podcast Network
The Rabbit Room Podcast Network is an alliance of podcasts that share a love for art, music, story, faith, and the myriad ways in which they intersect.

The Hutchmoot Podcast
We call Hutchmoot a “conference for everyone,” so it follows that this is a “podcast for everyone.” This series features sessions recorded at the Rabbit Room’s annual conference which celebrates art, music, story, and faith in all their many intersections.

The Resistance
There's a force at work that keeps you from being you. We feel it, too. It's the reason we avoid making the call, the reason we put off the diet. It's why we've done nothing about that entrepreneurial idea, that creative endeavor, that new relationship. In his book The War of Art, Stephen Pressfield defines this universal force as Resistance. Welcome to The Resistance, a new podcast featuring honest interviews with creative persons about this force and the forms it takes.

The Membership
A podcast inspired by the life and work of Wendell Berry, the Kentucky farmer, poet, novelist, essayist, activist, and thinker. Join hosts John Pattison and David Johnson as we discuss Berry's life and writings. We also interview other folks—farmers and makers, writers and artists, and community practitioners of all kinds—who are responding to Wendell Berry's writings in their own places.

Podcasts We Love
Imagination Redeemed
Anselm Society
In every episode, we retell one of the great stories, then follow its illumination to delve deeper into conversation about how to enter into the life of the Christian imagination. We want the podcast to be a place where you can come in and experience beauty, joyful celebration, and ancient wisdom; and go out renewed, bringing that life to your home, church, and vocation.

Faith in the Arts
A podcast about art and faith with Marlita Hill, Alastair Gordon and Jonny Mellor. How can we attend again to the relationship between Christianity and the arts? Can we fix broken bridges, re-examine sources of contention, explore new ways to co-exist for the flourishing of all?

The Art Within Podcast
The Art Within Podcast, hosted by filmmakers Houston Coley and Nate Sheppard, is a space dedicated to creating connection and conversation around art, community, and integrated faith—in both the digital and physical realms. Join the discussion as Nate and Houston engage with current issues of film, the internet, the church, philosophy, and culture in efforts to cultivate a community where listeners can connect and grow in our understanding of how art and people work together with the transcendent.

When There Are No Words
A podcast from Michael Tinker, When There Are No Words delves into conversations with artists exploring grief and hope in their work, what draws them to this difficult topic, how they navigate stewarding both their own story and other people's, and how they seek to honestly portray the Christian journey through this life to eternity. And despite (or maybe because of) the difficult subject, these are truly uplifting conversations.

Legacy Podcasts

The Second Muse
A great song is most often the result not of instantaneous inspiration but of a long obedience to the call of the song. This podcast explores artists' and producers' confrontations with the "Second Muse," the muse of effort rather than inspiration, and takes a good hard look at how they’ve chosen to contend with her.

Artist's Creed
A Christian artist hopes that God is working in and through her. But does this mean that her own voice and identity must be silenced? In this podcast series, Steve Guthrie (Belmont University) draws on the tenets of the Nicene Creed to develop a rich vision of the relationship between the voice of God and the voice of the artist.