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Welcome to the Rabbit Room

Nourishing Christ-centered communities through story, music, and art.

New Membership Options Available!

​Excellence in art and storytelling thrives in a community of support. That’s why we’re introducing new Rabbit Room Membership levels, adding more accessible and deeper ways for you to partner with us in fostering spiritual formation through the beauties of art, creativity, and community. 


Through your generosity, God will weave together conversations and opportunities to experience His beauty—one song, story, and work of art at a time.


Join us in being a special part of what God is doing through this work! We'd love to have you on board. 

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Sign up to receive weekly poems and articles about poetry from some of the finest poets around.

The weekly roundup of everything happening at the Rabbit Room.



The Rabbit Room publishes new articles every week. 

Featured Playlist

Rabbit Room Membership

We believe that when our lives are saturated with Gospel-infused stories, we are better for it—and the world is too.


Your support makes our work possible. Join the Rabbit Room Membership to enable us to continue to create and curate stories, music, and art for the life of the world. You'll also receive exclusive perks to thank you for your generosity. Learn more here!


Upcoming Events

Fika & Stilla



We throw open the doors of North Wind Manor to the community twice every week, once for a loud and family-friendly time of gathering (Fika) and another for a quieter atmosphere of reading and study (Stilla). Come and say hello! 


North Wind Manor—3321 Stephens Hill Ln. Cane Ridge, TN.

The Local Show


On the first Tuesdays of most months, the Rabbit Room presents The Local Show at North Wind Manor

Each show features a new line-up of some of Nashville's best singers and songwriters. The show is one way in which we incarnate the Rabbit Room community, cultivate local singer-songwriters, and nourish our local communities with music, laughter, and hope.

Buddy Greene and Friends

FEB 25, 2025


Join us at North Wind Manor for the finale of Buddy Greene and Friends' four-week series, Exploring the Great Big Story and Our Place in It: An Experiment in Musical Conversation.

Night 4: Bringing in the Sheaves: What in the World Is God Doing?  

Weed Wrangle at NWM

MAR 1 | 9AM-12PM


The Rabbit Room is partnering with Weed Wrangle® and A Rocha on March 1st from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. to remove invasive plants from around North Wind Manor. Tools and refreshments will be provided – no experience necessary! 


Weed Wrangle®-Nashville is a one-day, citywide volunteer effort to help rescue our public parks and green spaces from invasive species through hands-on removal of especially harmful trees, vines and flowering plants.

The Local Show at Immanuel

MAR 4, 2025

The Local Show is the Rabbit Room's ongoing songwriters' round show. Normally held at the Rabbit Room's headquarters of North Wind Manor, we are pleased to present this special evening at the historic Sadler Chapel at Immanuel Nashville!

Our March 4 lineup includes Andrew Peterson, Caroline Cobb, Mandi Mapes, and The Gray Havens. 

The Local Show is sponsored by IJM and Narrow Gate Coffee.

A Conversation with Wes Vander Lugt

MAR 12, 2025


Join us for a special Fika featuring a conversation with Wes Vander Lugt, author of Beauty is Oxygen and director of the Leighton Ford Center for Theology, the Arts, and Gospel Witness at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. In this conversation, Dr. Vander Lugt will dive into how beauty can break us out of self-centered malaise, promote healing and hope for our broken world, and re-enchant our lives.

Note: This is an optional activity for those planning to attend Open Hours on this day. Please RSVP if you plan to attend this activity. 

Dragon Lord Saga Vol. 3 Release Party

MAR 26, 2025


Ladies, gentlemen, and outlaws! Join us at North Wind Manor for a Dragon Lord-themed Fika. To celebrate the release of The Dragon Lord Saga Vol. 3: Dragons and Desperados we are throwing a Dragon Lord-themed party at our weekly Wednesday gathering.


There'll be themed snacks (ever tried dragon jerky?), opportunities to create your own Dragon Lord art, printmaking on the porch, and a conversation with author Jonny Jimison. 


Note: This is an optional activity for those planning to attend Open Hours on this day. Please RSVP if you plan to attend this activity. 

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