The King Comes: Seeing the Nativity Through Scripture
by Daniel R. Spanjer All people know that they need salvation, even if the salvation for which they hope is that of a meal when they are...
The King Comes: Seeing the Nativity Through Scripture
A Poem from the Bend in the Trail
Truth in Unlikely Places
Mister Wizard, Get Me Out of Here
The High Calling of Bending Low
On a Wedding
Working Toward Ten Thousand Hours
I used to be a snob, but I’m better than that now (and better than you)
Goodbye Solo: A Movie Review
Evening Art
Poems for Boneheads: A Criticism of the Artsy-Fartsy
The Future of Media
An Intuitive Response
Curious, Georges
The Ragman, the Ragman, the Christ!
Will, Limitation, and Art: A Quote from G.K. Chesterton
Make Something: Creation, Sub-Creation, and Us
A Small Book with a Large Message: “Art and the Bible”
Song of the Day: Pretending to (and Towards) Believe
In a Hole in the Ground There Lived an Artist
Only So Much You Can Say