The King Comes: Seeing the Nativity Through Scripture
by Daniel R. Spanjer All people know that they need salvation, even if the salvation for which they hope is that of a meal when they are...
The King Comes: Seeing the Nativity Through Scripture
Babette’s Feast: It’s Food, So What’s the Big Deal?
Tokens: Theology, Music, Books, Stories
The War of Art
“Keep Your Eyes Open” – Finding God Where You Least Expect Him
On the Table: A Common Thread
Bacchus on his Throne
On the Table: Jumpstarting the Process
Remember Something
Sin in Movies – Seeing the Heart of Art
Hate What I Love (Zummi Style)
Day at the Museum
Hayden McGuffin and the Skinny Chicken
Pressure To Form
Forgetting the Audience
David Archuleta (or, Ratatouille Meets American Idol)
The Artist’s Intent
Measuring Art’s Value?
Confessions of a Silver-Tongued Devil
Orderly Creativity?