Longing for the light: music for Advent—5&1 Classical Playlist #35
Mark Meynell walks us through a short classical playlist for Advent. These pieces deal with the theme of light and darkness.
Longing for the light: music for Advent—5&1 Classical Playlist #35
Nebraska & My Problem
Old House Of Fear
Eugene Peterson: On Stories
The Hard Part (III)
The Killer Angels
Beowulf: Justin the Ghastly
Bono: Conversations With A Burning Flame
The Hard Part (II)
Prayer: Does It Make A Difference?
The Hard Part
The Proprietor’s Favorite Books of 2007
The Golden Compass
Marcus Borg’s “Jesus”
Style and Grace
The Book of the Dun Cow, Walt Wangerin
Lilith – George MacDonald
Between Hating and Forgiving
Peace Like a River, Leif Enger
A Balm in Gilead
Welcome to the Rabbit Room