This liturgy is taken from Every Moment Holy Volume 3 from Rabbit Room Press. You can find more liturgies like these at

By Dorothy Sayers
Victorious Christ,
whom we these many years
have crucified
and with sweet spices laid
in the strong bands of the grave:
Appear, thou risen from the dead,
and come, and go before
Thou of our fragrant
memorials hast no need; thou
art alive,
thy wounded feet are swift
upon the ways of the world,
thy smitten hands outstretched
for the healing of the nations.
Startle us awake, immortal Splendour;
open our eyes to see that already the
stone is rolled away from the sepulcher.
Quicken our ears to hear
the proclamation of thine angel.
Fill us with thy Holy Ghost,
that is the breath of life,
for our false gods
are sick and dying,
and for them is no resurrection.
Thee only the tomb cannot hold;
in all the earth none liveth
but only thou,
that with the Father
and the Holy Ghost
livest and reignest,
world without end.
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