Housemoot.com opens in six days!
In case you missed the announcement, Housemoot is the Rabbit Room’s new pop-up digital conference, replete with a curated collection of pre-recorded lectures from some of our favorite writers, artists, theologians, and musicians.
Because Hutchmoot, the Rabbit Room’s annual in-person conference, can be hard to get tickets to, we are offering Housemoot as a resource kit that you can use to create a “moot” experience of your own. We hope that it is a gathering point for your community.
Go to Housemoot.com to learn more, buy tickets, or (if you are already a Rabbit Room member) let us know you’re joining Housemoot.

By way of whetting your appetite for the feast that is Housemoot, below is an excerpt with Andrew Osenga from a series of interviews with artists and creators about how music has helped them move through experiences of loss and grief.
[If this topic speaks to where you are at right now, check out our new Music and Grief playlist and let these thoughtful, moving songs walk you through exactly what Andrew is talking about in the interview.]
[Special thanks to Dave Trout and UTR Media for putting this interview series together for Housemoot!]