The time has come! The tenth anniversary of the great moot approaches. Speakers are readying their notes, decorations are being prepared, recipes are being set, and travel plans are being laid. Next month, folks from all across and outside the country gather together around a common vision: to celebrate the gospel through the lenses of music, art, and story, and to take that experience back to inspire their own communities.
There’s still much work to be done in preparation and implementation. Hutchmoot simply wouldn’t be possible each year without those who generously volunteer their time, energy, and sanity to make the weekend a success.
So, we’re officially gathering volunteers for Hutchmoot 2019! If you’re interested in volunteering, please email

Thank you to all those who have reached out with a desire to serve. Thank you for believing in the mission of Hutchmoot and for coming alongside us to achieve it. We look forward to seeing all of you!