Hutchmoot is returning to its traditional form this year, and we’re thrilled to be able to offer again a tangible gathering point around art and faith. It’s the sort of unique experience that can only be cultivated in person, where space and food are shared, faces are remembered, and friendships are deepened.
Those who held onto their tickets for Hutchmoot 2020 (and endured the disappointment of cancellation these past two years) will be able to use their tickets for Hutchmoot this year! Your tickets will be re-issued for 2022, so keep an eye on your email for that and other information.
It was an absolute blessing (and something of a miracle) that we were able to pull Hutchmoot: Homebound together these last two years, and we’re grateful to have had the chance to throw wide the doors. The many conversations we’ve had with folks who would never have been able to attend Hutchmoot in person—whether for reasons of time, health, finances, distance, limited tickets, or other constraints—made us thankful for that unique chance to expand the table. We watched God turn an emergency into a gift, and all we learned from building and running Homebound has inspired us with new ways to continue offering that inclusion going forward.
Homebound won’t be happening this year, or for the foreseeable future. We didn’t come to this decision lightly but seriously considered all of our possible options going forward—from doing both conferences, to alternating years, to different combinations of both—because we love and want to serve the large community we’ve encountered who can’t attend Hutchmoot in person. If you’re grieving the end of Homebound because it was your first chance to get a taste of Hutchmoot, you are seen.
But don’t despair. Homebound taught us a lot, and we’re taking what we learned and putting it into the development of new ways to present content and interaction. We believe the lessons we’ve taken away from Homebound are going to serve the entire breadth of the Rabbit Room audience for years to come. We can’t share the specifics yet, but we’ve been hard at work designing and developing something beautiful, interactive, fun, and intentional—and we’re excited to share it with you when it’s ready.
In the meantime, we trust that Homebound has inspired you to nourish your unique community, enabling you to bolster one another and reflect the Kingdom through friendship, art, and beauty. Remember that there are other gatherings with kindred organizations across the US, like the Anselm Society and Square Halo Books who are about the same work—as well as regional “moots” by folks embodying the spirit of Hutchmoot in their own areas. Our greatest joy with Homebound was watching so many of you gather around good content with your own communities. As we emerge from a period in which many of us were isolated from local community, we can begin finding creative ways to cultivate that same spirit where we are. That will still be possible with all that’s to come—so look toward the future with hope.
Interested in attending Hutchmoot UK this year? Click here for more information. (Hutchmoot US tickets will go on sale this spring, date TBD.)
There are also many ways to interact with Hutchmoot content throughout the year. For instance…