Let there be rejoicing and CD buying in the streets, and in stores, and upon amorphous internet music-selling entities, for today marks the release of Eric Peters’s new album Chrome.
Last year, Eric invoked a modern form of the old artist’s patronage system as an experimental way to manage the financial burden of going back into the studio. He humbly asked those who believe in and love his music to make a small donation to offset to cost of the album’s production. In return, his patrons received two copies of the album a few weeks early (one signed), and inclusion in the special thanks of the liner notes.
I’m proud to be one of Eric’s patrons but far more important to me than the free CD’s or my name scrawled in the fine print is the satisfaction that I’ve helped something beautiful take shape where it otherwise might not have. I fear our culture has largely lost sight of the importance of being a patron of art instead of just a consumer of it. There’s a lot to be said for supporting an artist not merely because you like what he has done, but because you have faith in that which he will one day do.
In Eric Peters that faith is well-placed. His new album is a beautiful, fluid collection of songs about finding faith and hope amid the brokenness and heartbreak of everyday life. Chrome (produced by the ubiquitous Ben Shive) is full of Eric’s catchy melodies, his vulnerable falsetto, and the wealth of insight he’s gained from his own struggles with issues like pain, doubt, and fatherhood.
So Eric, as one of your many patrons, I want to say thank you. Job well done.
If you readers didn’t get the chance offer your patronage at the beginning of the journey, I hope you’ll offer it now. Head into the Rabbit Room Store, or over to Eric’s website and secure yourself a copy of a fantastic album.