Wherein Rebecca Reynolds kicks off the show with her poem “Welcome,” Don Chaffer reads The Wilderness Journal, and Drew Miller shares the first ever Word of Befuddlement: pleethe.
The Wilderness Journal is a deeply touching, deeply funny account of the Exodus written by a scripturally fictitious character named Eli Ben-Ami. The story goes that after the Exodus—which he affectionately refers to as “The Great Escape”—Eli decides to keep a journal logging the journey of the Israelites through the wilderness and into the Promised Land, peppered with details from his own personal life.
Over the course of the story, you may find that Eli becomes more and more real to you. He’s kind of a jokester, also a softie, and his story isn’t that much different from any of ours. Enjoy.

Words of Befuddlement
Words of Befuddlement is a special Molehill Podcast segment inspired by games like Dictionary and Balderdash. In fact, it’s no different, except that the word in question doesn’t exist anywhere other than in the notorious mind of Pete Peterson (so don’t go looking for it in a dictionary).

Each week, Drew Miller (host of The Molehill Podcast) will share a new Word of Befuddlement and ask you to send in your very own definition to drew@rabbitroom.com. The following week, he will read some of the definitions he received and reveal the “correct” definition as determined by Pete.
The first ever Word of Befuddlement is the verb “pleethe.” You can send in your very own definition of “pleethe” to Drew, and he might just read it on next week’s show. And who knows? You may even guess correctly.
Artwork by the inimitable Stephen Crotts Words of Befuddlement graphic by Mindy Cook Original music by Zach & Maggie